Sabtu, 16 Juli 2016

ethereum bersiap melakukan hardfork

Bursa trading, penambang, pengembang dan pengguna ethereum sedang bersiap-siap untuk sejarah hardfork pada sistem ethereum. Kraken, bursa trading terbesar setelah poloniex mengumumkan bahwa akan menonaktifkan sementara deposit dan penarikan eth pada situs mereka pada saat penerapan hardfork.
hardfork direncanakan akan dilakukan pada tanggal 20 juli. satu jam sebelum pelaksanaan hardfork semua perdagangan ethereum akan dinonaktifkan

berikut  kutipan pengumuman dari kraken yang disampaikan melalui email:

  • “As you may know, the Ethereum community has elected to do a hard fork in order to resolve the DAO exploit. The MainNet block on which the hard fork will occur is set at 1920000, which should be reached on Wednesday July 20 (this is only an estimate however). 

     “ETH deposits and withdrawals will be disabled approximately 1 hour before the hard fork activates. Trading will continue as normal during the fork. All ETH on Kraken after the fork will be tokens of the winning chain (i.e. the chain with the most work on it). ETH deposits and withdrawals will be enabled again once the winning chain has become clearly evident. We expect the hard fork process to be smooth and quick, but there is no certainty of this.”